The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a 1980 anime series from Japan that was directed by Hiroshi Saitô. It is based on Mark Twain's famous and well-loved book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The series was first called "Tom Sawyer no Bken" and was shown on World Masterpiece Theater, a regular animation show on Fuji TV that showed an animated version of a classic Western book or story every year. It was the second book in the series to be written by an American author, after Rascal the Raccoon in 1977. This series was also dubbed into English by Saban International and aired on HBO around 1988 under the name "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." It was shown at 7:30AM and switched with the later version of "Little Women" on WMT. Under the name "All New Adventures of Tom Sawyer," Celebrity Home Entertainment put out videos in the United States. As of January 2011, the anime is shown on the NHK cable channel TV Japan in the United States.
Released: 1980-01-06