Jonathan Agassi Saved My Life
Jonathan Agassi can be just a star from the world of porn. He resides the wild lifestyle in Berlin and Tel Aviv, where he still works at films and live shows and has another job as an escort. Sex, drugs and rock'n' roll -- and all it in large quantities. But the business is tough, and behind the positive smile is an insecure boy having an absent father and an extremely close relationship for his broad minded mother. In the world of porn there is absolutely not any room for emergencies, although the comparison to the superficial success grows and grows. Here, you have to deliver every single day, every time -- and items. If you are done. The identity crisis is smouldering, Agassi is floundering and medication. But just how long can he hold himself onto? Over the span of the director eight decades, also substantially mutual confidence Agassi has been followed closely by Tomer Heymann up to the culmination of his life crisis.